Farmer's Market Report September 20, 2013

Grower: Windrose
Description: French leeks differentiate themselves from common leeks in both appearance and flavor. The French leek is sleek with more snowy white flesh versus green throughout its shank, which is advantageous as the green leaves can be fibrous and less edible raw. French leeks have a savory sweet aroma and flavor without the pungency of other alliums, their flesh consistently moist and tender. Young French leeks can be about a foot in length while mature leeks can reach up to two feet while still maintaining their slim figure. Ideally, French leeks will be 1/2″ in diameter and not reach diameters of more than 3/4″ inch.
Frog Hollow Farms
- Warren Pears
- Emerald Beaut Pluots
- Hosui Asian Pears
- August Fire Nectarines
- Golden Russet Bosc Pears
Murray Family Farms- Bakersfield, CA
- Autumn King Grapes
- Concord Grapes
- White Figs
- Mission Figs
Gloria Tamai
- Black cherry tomatoes
- Red Cherry Tomatoes
- Yellow Cherry Tomatoes
- Blue lake Beans
- Strawberries
Rutiz – Arroyo Grande, CA
- Blue lake beans
- Romano beans
- fennel
- arugula
- leeks
- baby broccoli
- sierra gold potatoes
Rancho Del Sol – Fallbrook, CA
- Meyer Lemons
- Gold Nugget Tangerines
Garcia Organic Farm – Fallbrook, CA
- Avocados
- Oro Blanco grapefruit
- Yosemite Gold Tangerines
Fallbrook Free Range Duck Farm – Fallbrook, CA
- Duck Eggs
Beylik Family Farms – Fillmore, CA
- Japanese Tomatoes
- Yellow Tomatoes
- Persian Cucumbers
- Lipstick Peppers
Coleman Family Farm – Carpinteria, CA
- Herbs
- Baby broccoli
- Black Kale
- Radish- Shunkyo, Easter Egg, French Breakfast
- Mini Mix Peppers
- Sapote
Mike and Son Egg Ranch – Ontario, CA
- Brown Eggs
Pudwill Farm – Nipomo, CA
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Gold Raspberries
- Figs
Tutti Frutti – Santa Barbara County and Carpenteria
- Heirloom Tomatoes
Weiser Family Farm – Bakersfield, CA
- All red potatoes
- Purple potatoes
- Peewee Mix Potatoes
- Red Thumb Potatoes
- Padron peppers
- Sunchokes
Yasutomi Farm – Pico Rivera, CA
- Baby Bok Choy
- Baby Celery
McGrath Farms – Oxnard, CA
- Tongue on Fire beans
- Jacobs Cattle beans
- Cranberry Beans
Jaime Farms – CA
- Purple Pearl Onions
- White Pearl Onions
- Peppers- Banana, Hungarian Wax, and Anaheim, Habaneros
- Okra red and green
Windrose – Santa Barbara, CA
- Herbs- Marjoram, Thyme, Rosemary
- Garlic varieties
- Heirloom squashes- Romanesco, Bianca, and Striata
- Red Gravenstein apples
- Golden apples
- Gravenstein apples
Be Wise Ranch
- arugula
- red beets
- green leaf
- red leaf
- romaine
- radishes
- carrots
- collards
- dandelion greens
- red dandelion greens
- kale- dino, green, and red
- spring mix
- Parsley
- Tomatoes- Cherry, grape, heirloom mix, green zebra
Woods Valley Rhubarb Ranch
- Rhubarb-gapping for two MORE weeks
- Valencia oranges
- Oro Blanco
Life’s a Choke
- Baby Green Artichokes
- Baby Purple Artichokes
- Cauliflower
- Asparagus
- Lyon Artichokes
- Romano beans
- Rocky Sweet Melons
- Ambrosia Melons
- Honeyloupe Melons
Fresh Origins
- Herb Flower Mix
- Micro Orchid
- Tiny Veggie Turnip
- Micro Watercress
2 Peas in a Pod
- Coco beans
- Mauve runner beans
- Cannelini beans
- White Cap beans
Penryn Orchard
- Kosui Asian Pears
- Cho Juro Asian Pears
- Hosui Asian Pears
- Celestial Figs
- Hosui
- Keitt Mango
Koral’s Tropical Fruit Farm
- Varigated Figs
- Osborne Prolific Figs
- White Figs
- Passionfruit
- Sapote
- Apples
- Yellow Nectarine
Flying Disc Ranch
- Barhi Dates