Farmers' Market Bag 9-29-10 #spFMB

YouTube video:
Wild Surrey Arugula & French Breakfast Radish – Rutiz Farms
Strawberries – Gloria Tamai
Kabocha Squash – McGrath Farm
Golden Russet Bosc Pears – Penryn Orchard
Straight Yellow Squash & Black Beauty Zucchini – Tierra Miguel
White Spring Onion, Red & Yellow Bell Peppers – Jaime Farms
Peewee Fingerling Mix Potatoes – Weiser Farms
Due to the CRAZY heat this weekend a lot of the fragile lettuce didn’t do so well, so you will receive EITHER:
Vulcan Lettuce OR Freckles lettuce – Coleman Family Farms
Enjoy your bag this week!!! Post your photos on Twitter with the hashtag #spFMB or share them with the FMB community on our facebook page!
If you haven’t joined yet, you can order a bag for next week on our FMB page! Be sure and click the links to the product pages, or search our website for similar ones with recipes attached! Enjoy & share what you made with the FMB community on our FB page!