April 13, 2009 0 Comments

My First Official Farmers Market Report!! As a chef and a true food lover I get really giddy as spring sprouts beautiful nourishment from the earth. All across the state seeds have been sewn and the early birth of spring produce is being harvested. Strawberries are abound in many varieties: eat-from-the-basket fresh to perfect for …

Garnish lightsaber

April 1, 2009 0 Comments

Happy April Fool’s Day!! We’re sending this to the Hash House….

Current and Past Presidents Dinner for Mamas Kitchen

April 1, 2009 0 Comments

Dining Details held a fundraiser on March 24th, 20009.  We helped them a little bit by donating some produce, but I’ll have to say they did all the work… and made $29,000 for Mama’s Kitchen. At Mama’s Kitchen we believe that every person is entitled to the basic necessity of life – nutritious food. As …

Food Safety Alert – Pistachio Nuts

March 31, 2009 0 Comments

Specialty Produce is reacting to the recent alert from the FDA regarding concerns over salmonella contamination of Pistachio Nuts. Last updated 3/31/09 at 4:30pm. Click here for what we are doing about it… Click here for the FDA advisory notice.

Farmers' Market Report – Week of April 1st

March 31, 2009 0 Comments

Happy Monday! How did everyone like their Fava’s? Amanda (our microgreen queen and your FM packer) made the mistake of eating one without removing the 2nd shell!! Ha ha, priceless! But yes, under that waxy shell, they are super sweet and fresh; not ONE BIT mealy. McGrath Farms and Coastal has more this week, supplies …

Farmers' Market Report – Week of March 25th 2009

March 23, 2009 0 Comments

Good afternoon, everyone! NEWSFLASH: Fava Beans are in, from both Coastal Farms and McGrath Farm!! Supplies are a little limited to start, but will do our best to fill all orders! All of the unique lettuces from Coleman and McGrath are still going very strong. Jerry’s Berries, a funny spinoff from the famous “Harry’s Berries”, …

Farmers' Market Report – Week of March 18th 2009

March 16, 2009 0 Comments

Good afternoon, everyone! We have some exciting new items to share with you this week: Weiser Family Farms’ Baby Purple Broccoli, which is a specific seed variety called Red Arrow. It’s not purple all the way through, but the green stem and leaves contrast it very nicely. It has a mild flavor and the farmer …

Farmers' Market Report – Week of March 11th

March 9, 2009 0 Comments

Happy Monday, all!
Ugh, how about that darn daylight savings time? I am not thrilled to lose an hour of sleep, but at least we get more daylight – another sign that spring is coming, slowly but surely.
After talking to a lot of my farmers, up-and-coming new items for springtime menu’s are: Jerry’s Berries Strawberries (Jerry Rutiz’s version; he uses the “Galante” variety, which is a softer berry but extremely sweet – coming in early April), fresh Fava Beans from various farms – next week, lots more peas and beets and artichokes, purple baby broccoli coming this weekend from Weiser Farm (limited to start!), etc. etc.! More to come, I’m sure.


March 9, 2009 0 Comments

Welcome to the Specialty Produce Blog!  You will find information on Market Reports, Farmers Market Reports, Community Events and other happenings in our world!  Check out our pages 😉

FM Report – Week of March 4th

March 2, 2009 0 Comments

Hey everyone!

Wow, a lot of our northern Cali growers are experiencing some heavy rain for this whole week – we are so lucky to be living in sunny San Diego!! Feels like spring already, doesn’t it?

Still a lot of baby beets, turnips, greens, and chards on the market so far. Hope you guys got a chance to check out those awesome Lyon artichokes with stem from Life’s A Choke; they are a variety from Southern France and are best broiled, steamed, marinated raw, stuffed, or baked! Let me know if you would like a sample!

Also, I would like to stick the the new baby broccoli from Coastal (excellent quality and a nice, smaller size) and the super sweet English peas from Rutiz. I liked them a lot better, hope you did, too!

Note: All pre-orders must be placed by Tuesday at noon to [email protected]. Emergency orders or add-ons will be accepted, but we can longer guarantee availability. If there are any special requests please feel free to ask!