
March 9, 2009 0 Comments

Welcome to the Specialty Produce Blog!  You will find information on Market Reports, Farmers Market Reports, Community Events and other happenings in our world!  Check out our pages 😉

FM Report – Week of March 4th

March 2, 2009 0 Comments

Hey everyone!

Wow, a lot of our northern Cali growers are experiencing some heavy rain for this whole week – we are so lucky to be living in sunny San Diego!! Feels like spring already, doesn’t it?

Still a lot of baby beets, turnips, greens, and chards on the market so far. Hope you guys got a chance to check out those awesome Lyon artichokes with stem from Life’s A Choke; they are a variety from Southern France and are best broiled, steamed, marinated raw, stuffed, or baked! Let me know if you would like a sample!

Also, I would like to stick the the new baby broccoli from Coastal (excellent quality and a nice, smaller size) and the super sweet English peas from Rutiz. I liked them a lot better, hope you did, too!

Note: All pre-orders must be placed by Tuesday at noon to [email protected]. Emergency orders or add-ons will be accepted, but we can longer guarantee availability. If there are any special requests please feel free to ask!

March Mushroom Madness

March 1, 2009 0 Comments

For the entire Month of March four types of our Organically grown Mushrooms are on SALE!  They are grown by the Golden Gourmet/Kinoko Company in San Marcos at their now fully functional facility that reopened recently. Be a fan of theirs on facebook here. Click on an image for more information on the product! Hon …