Spring has arrived here in San Diego and brought with it a surplus of sweet strawberries! From breakfast to dessert and every delicious meal in between strawberries make a scrumptious addition to any dish.
Come join us for The Chefs de Cuisine Association’s may meeting at Specialty Produce. Click here for a PDF flyer! PROFESSIONALS & PUBLIC ARE WELCOME WHERE: Specialty Produce Warehouse – 1929 Hancock St. San Diego, CA 92110 WHEN: Sunday, May 17th/ 3pm-6pm Cost of attendance = $10 Knowledge you’ll leave with = priceless WHATS IN …
WHEEL OF LIFE: “Good farmers use land according to its livelihood. They are careful students of its natural vegetation, soil depth, structure, slope and drainage. They are not appliers of generalizations, theoretical, methodical or mechanical. Nor are they active agents of their own economical will, working their way upon an inert and passive mass. They …
Our very first recipe! Much thanks to food writer Caron Golden for sharing her discoveries & hard work with all of us. She records her adventures with food at San Diego Foodstuff and San Diego News Network. “To Market, To Market… With San Diego Foodstuff is your guide to the culinary treats found beyond our …
MOTHER NATURE: She has a way of reminding us who really is in charge. Amid the conversations I have been having with the farmers this week, I got the clear impression that we are at Nature’s mercy. Crops fail, field’s lose fertility, the heat forces herbs to flower and lettuces to get a sunburn. While …
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY Farming is at the root of American cultural development and at its truest is a spiritual discipline and a significant provider of both rural and urban communities. The farmers that provide us with the goods from their land exemplify just that. For several decades our country emphasized big agribusiness which de-emphasized community and …
Tuesday April 21st, 2009 I had the pleasure of attending the 25th Annual Gold Medallion Awards hosted by the San Diego County Chapter of the California Restaurant Association. It was held at the brand new Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel in downtown San Diego. I spent the first hour trying to cool down from the …
“Did you see any movie stars?!” This was the most popular question asked of me upon my return from the Santa Monica Farmers Market on Wednesday. I replied with “No. I was looking for produce.” After touring the market, dozens of farmers and over 200 pictures later, I was dizzy with excitement and marvel over …
My First Official Farmers Market Report!! As a chef and a true food lover I get really giddy as spring sprouts beautiful nourishment from the earth. All across the state seeds have been sewn and the early birth of spring produce is being harvested. Strawberries are abound in many varieties: eat-from-the-basket fresh to perfect for …